Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Today, I want to introduce about “Mr.&Mrs. Smith”. This movie actor and actress are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. They are one of the most favorite actor and actress. Brad Pitt was born in 1963 and 46 years old. But he looks younger than his age. So, he is very cool.

This movie summary is that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is spy. They belong to different spy organization. This two spy organization was an adversarial relationship. But they marry each other. As a result, they have to fight.

There are a lot of thrilling scenes in this movie.
So you don’t get bored. Watch it


  1. I've watched this movie before.
    I like this movie so much!!!

  2. It sounds intersting.
    I want to watch it.

  3. By the way, have you ever seen some of the series of Harry Potter movies? If you have done, Please introduce it on your blog!
