Monday, July 12, 2010

The Terminal

This time, I want to introduce a movie named “The Terminal”.
I lend this movie from my senior.

I explain to you a summary roughly

This movie’s hero is Viktor Navorski.
One day, he come NY.
But, he’s country bring out war and he isn’t able to go NY.
So, He have to stay airport for 9 month.
Therefore, he find job, make friends and find love in airport.

This movie moved me deeply.

Thank you for your reading :9


  1. I want to see it!!
    I will go to TSUTAYA soon!

  2. I want to see it. I know the story a little and it grab my mind! I will go to TSUTAYA!

  3. Hello, I'm an IES(4) student.
    I've watched this film many times!!
    And it always makes me cry :p

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello!
    I've never seen this movie.
    But, I am interested in the movie. So, perhaps, I'll see it if I have the opportunity to do.

  6. I watched this movie. this movie is little funny isn't it?
