Saturday, May 29, 2010


I introduce ARMAGEDDON.
This is a so famous movie that you probably know.
NASA found a big asteroid coming to the earth.
The U.S. government asked people who are the specialist of “to dig” to save the earth.
The specialist trained, said good-by to their lover and started to the asteroid.
The plan made by the government is to dig it, bury a bomb and explode it.
They lost some members and done the job at the risk of their life.

There are a lot of thrilling scenes in this movie.
So you don’t get bored. Watch it!

Good-day :P


  1. I like this movie, too.
    Also I like Bruce Willis.
    He is very cool!!

  2. Hello!!
    I wanna hav time to see movie゚・(ノε`)゚。

  3. Hi! I'm IES4 student.
    I like this movie very much!!
    I was moved to tears by it.

  4. Hi!!
    thanks to comment my blog.
    I like ARMAGEDDON the best!!
    I've seen this movie more than five time!!
