Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Destination3

Today, iwant to introduce about "Final Destination3".
This is made was shownin in 2006.
Final Destination is three series.

This movie summory is that Wendy go to amusement park for graduation party.
She try to ride a roller coaster. Then, she horetell a roller coaster accident.
She and some students get off a roller coster.
But,rest students ride it and dead by accident.
However,survive students are mortality.
So, they try to escape from death.

This movie is a story full of thrills and suspense.
If you like suspense movie, you should watch this movie.
Thank you.


  1. Wow! It sounds very interesting.
    I like suspense movie, so I'll watch someday(*^^)v

  2. I've seen this movie, too. But I like the second of this series much more. Have you ever seen it? If you haven't, please check it!
